Sidux 2007-03 Review.
Sidux is a desktop-oriented distribution and comes with as a live CD.Its based on the unstable branch of Debian GNU/Linux. It was originally created by a group of developers who split from the KANOTIX project and launched their own distribution. Sidux has a relatively speedy release cycle.
Test Machine
My workstation is a dual core 3.4 GHz intel processor, with 4 Gig RAM and 512 MB Nvidia 7950 graphics card. I have a dual 19" wide screen monitors which support 1440x900@75Hz.Booting
Sidux comes with a live CD environment, and has couple of options for booting. The default option worked fine for me. The monitor resolution was set to 1280x1024, instead of native 1440x900. Only a few linux distributions can actually run the native 1440x900 resolution, and vista starts only with 1024x768. So in screen resolution I will say , its good .
Installation is as easy as it gets. Sidux has its own custom installer. There is a warning message on the installer application, stating that the installer is currently under heavy development and not completely stabilized yet. But the installer worked perfectly fine for me.
It has a good installer consisting of six screens in a tabbed wizard mode. First screen is the welcome and last is the actual installation screen. The second tab asks for hard drive partitioning. User can start a partitioning tool (if required), and select the root partition where the system is to be installed. Third tab asks for boot loader configuration and timezone. Next screen requires username and password. Fifth screen asks for network and service. The installer is still in early version and needs some refinements in terms of layout of fields.
The installation was really fast and took less then 10 minutes to finish.
Sidux comes with an earthly theme; plain and simple light brown colored. Definitely appealing to the eyes.
The best part was the inclusion of build tools and Linux headers. Even though Debian does not include these tools with its default install, Sidux does. In my opinion build tools and Linux headers are the two most important ambassadors of free software foundation. These are the tools every aspiring geek should know.
Graphics applications included are - gime gwenview, kpdf, digikam, kghostview. Couple of games are als0 present. For internet, firefox (iceweasel), KTorrent, KBluetooth, Kget, Kopete, Akregator, WengoPhone, Kvpnc, Kwifimanager exist. Multimedia applications included are kaffeine, amarok, k3b, kdetv, KMix. Open Office is present with all the applications.
Sidux is based on an unstable Debian and comes along with apt and a lot of applications; which are just a click/command away.
Sidux comes with a couple of utilities to configure different parts of the machine. But they are disconnected. A single control center would have been a better approach.
Neither Win32 codecs nor libdvdcss were installed by default and thus I was not able to watch dvd and play windows media files. Also there was no luck playing MP3 files. Sidux has acknowledged this fact and has provided a hot fix on its home page.
For a desktop oriented, bleeding edge distribution like Sidux, it is not at all acceptable to stay clear from multimedia support. Even if it meant delaying the release.
Eye Candy
There is no eye candy application installed by default.Recommendations
Sidux should concentrate more on an out of box experience, as this is really crucial for a live CD environment. The configuration applets are nice but they need to be unified under one application which does all the configurations. Its more important to give a steady and stable experience to the user than to just give away frequent releases.
Sidux is a nice distribution but requires a lot of work to get ready for the prime time.
Sidux (...) requires a lot of work to get ready for the prime time.Sorry, but if this is what you're waiting for you've obviously not taken the time to read about a little on the sidux website. The kind of work of including libdvdcss or win32 codecs is just never gonna be done, since it's against the stated sidux philosophy. The point was never to concentrate (...) on an out of box experience, but to provide a truly free (as in speech) distribution - compare
. Regards,
Sidux (...) requires a lot of work to get ready for the prime time Is this a measure of the reviewer - it's certainly not my experience.
The mp3 issue was a debian package dependency issue - not due to a need to rush a release. The time for a hotfix for those who had already downloaded the .iso was an example of how good the developers are to solving problems. By the time I came to download, an updated release .iso was already in place.
I use sidux as my only LiveCD for fixing other peoples' problems but the real benefit of sidux is the stability of each release for a hard drive installation, a published release cycle, '24 hour' support from a knowledgable, helpful and friendly community. They have certainly tamed debian sid for mere mortals such as myself. For those who live for an out of the box experience , you don't know what you're missing!
It's hard to take a reviewer seriously who didn't bother to do some basic research on the philosophy and mission of the distribution being reviewed.
Sidux comes with a couple of utilities to configure different parts of the machine. But they are disconnected.
This is not true. All gui tools are usable seperately, but also all in one if you want.
A single control center would have been a better approach.
Sidux uses both approaches. It's just a matter of taste wich one you might use. All siduxcc tools are integrated in KDE control center.
"It's hard to take a reviewer seriously who didn't bother to do some basic research on the philosophy and mission of the distribution being reviewed"
I just saw the Sidux website. It looks old. It does not mention it vision on the front page. Is does not have a "about us" link on the page. It does not have vision on the main wiki page. Even on the link provided by Sevein; there is a small FAQ about "
Why do we not include non-GPL packages and non-free content".
The reviewer pointed out correctly that the multimedia capabilities were missing. So if if was not in the Sidux philosophy, then why did they release a hotfix for that?
I liked the review, as it was just.
I think that this review is good: the author states the facts (e.g., no multimedia support, and he should not be required to read their site (or anybody's site) to fix that). He is looking for the "Out of the box" functionality.
do read thr release noten on any future distro you plan to "review"
I have used nearly all distributions of DW and SIDUX is by far the better. My second best is zenwalk. Sidux is VERY STABLE (very important) FAST (important) with a nice community and support. The multimedia issue is not important as it is overcomed with a simple command (ask them in irc). It has a control center with all functions put together but you have to install them. I started using sidux with tartaros version where i had some font issues. Now, gaia has perfect fonts out of the box. Finally, this is the first time that i use my linux box for productive work rather than fixing bugs. I think i will stay with sidux for a long time, and i hope the developers to continue their great work.
The reviewer pointed out correctly that the multimedia capabilities were missing. So if if was not in the Sidux philosophy, then why did they release a hotfix for that?
You have to distinguish free multimedia and non-free multimedia stuff. Don't throw both together.
The hotfix was only for libxine(that is completly free)
non-free and legal-problematic stuff like lame, w32codecs, and, above all, the dvd-codecs will _never_ come into sidux.
I don't understand that discussion.
I watch on line TV and I play all my multimedia files exactly as my windows box.
All that was :
apt-get install mplayer w32codecs libdvdcss2
Selecting sidux 3 months ago i lost about 1 min to install the multimedia stuff but i have earned hours bcs sidux is bug free and it does not need debugging.
The reviewer should spend more time with Sidux. It truly is an amazing distro.
It is one of the few distros you can do a major upgrade to without problems. I like the idea of staying current with the lastest and greatest without reinstalling the operating system and the annoyances that follow.
I know of people who were running old Kanotix releases. They are now running the latest Sidux without a glich. No downloading iso images and reinstalls. Wonderful!
Siduxcc-hermes lets you know when upgrades are available and when they are safe right from your taskbar.
The Sidux manual is one of the best I've seen. Well written and easy for newcomers to understand.
As far as "out of box experience" goes, everything you need is a few clicks away. All you need to know is how to add a source to apt-get or a repository to synaptic. Not real difficult stuff.
Yes. It is a very helpful community. In fact, I was in their irc channel yesterday asking for help on a couple of issues. I received fast and friendly answers.
For those who have been looking for the ultimate distro like I have been for a few years, look no farther.
libdvdcss2 is legal in most of the countries around the world.
w32codecs is just plain illegal everywhere as it bundles dlls for codecs which are never meant to be redistributed.
libdvdcss2 is not free anyware. w32codecs is legal for most of us since we have buy at least one windows box..
Sidux should concentrate more on an out of box experience, as this is really crucial for a live CD environment.
Sidux does not aim to be used as a liveCD - so your comment is irrelevant. The liveCD is designed to allow users to try out the distro before installing it.
The configuration applets are nice but they need to be unified under one application which does all the configurations.
Sidux does provide a unified application. It's call siduxcc and it is found on the Control Center. Next time better to invest more time exploring a distro before writing such a superficial and critical "review."
Its more important to give a steady and stable experience to the user than to just give away frequent releases.
Sidux is based on Debian Sid and is really a "rolling release." Basically a user can install it once, then update his system once a week (or whenever) to remain current. Again, please spend a little more time researching a distro before offering up irrelevant comments.
I think Sidux is a Derivative distro; it is based on Debian. And when we talk about derived distro we have to look at the delta provided by Sidux. *buntu is also a Debian derivative and so are scores of other distros!
In all the comments I see that almost everyone is boasting about rolling release and stability. But ain't they the core qualities of Debian?
Stability is achieved by pushing updates/patches and not by pushing releases. A lot of other distros also boast about stability; RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu LTS, etc, but none of them have a release cycle less than 18 months! Are they lazy in release?
Rolling update is good. But Debian already mastered it and Gentoo. And
all of them opted for release cycle of more than 1 year.
Someone mentioned that Sidux is not a Live CD, but that is the only change, introduced by Sidux, from Debian. The Live CD works fine and the installer comes with a warning! If this does not qualify for LiveCD , what does?
Its good that people love Sidux and actually taken time to comment on the review. But if you keep ignoring the facts you will end up harming your distro of choice.
@ Anonymous above
"I think Sidux is a Derivative distro"
Unfortunately you're wrong from the start - perhaps you could do some more research before posting a novel based on wrong assumptions?
Re the review, there seems to be some ambiguity in what the reviewer is trying to push -
- the blog title: Open Review
- add marks for including "ambassadors of free software" packages
then in the same review strike a mark against sidux for lacking the legally murky libdvdcss2 and win32codecs packages?
@ Anonymous above
Unfortunately you're wrong from the start
Forget about research, at least you can visit and the read the first line sidux is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's most modern branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications. .
And if this statement doesn't make Sidux a Debian derivative, then what does? Have some common sense before asking others to research. Now do I have to even explain SID in sidux?
The definition of derivative is broad - The guy's definition of derivative was narrowed by using *buntu as an example.
*buntu is a fork, sidux *is* debian sid. It uses the official sid repositories, and provides a "flavoured" (artwork/tools) installable debian sid snapshot quarterly. For all intents and purposes, it *is* debian sid (not a derivative by the definition given above)
The definition of derivative is broad
The definition of derivative is as simple as "base + delta".
You accept delta (provides a "flavoured" (artwork/tools) installable debian sid snapshot quarterly ) And that delta is not recognized by base (Debian).
Then the definition of delta & derivative fits exactly in case of sidux.
For all intents and purposes, it *is* debian sid
You can not claim that until and unless Debian recognizes it.
'scuse me
if you put it that way, then all the individual modifications turn the debian box into a "derivate"
consider the installation of an individually configured kernel, altering the artwork or even a small programm/script (one has written him/herself) that makes life a bit easier: all that is delta, isn't it?
if you put it that way, then all the individual modifications turn the debian box into a "derivate"
The difference lies between distribution and installation. Its the distribution that is derivate. And that means changes that are not acknowledged by base distribution.
Changes to personal installation is called customization
Derivative or fork. Who cares? Many of the popular distros are based on something else. Pclos is based on Mandriva. Ubuntu on Debian. Sabayon on Gentoo.
These Sidux guys/gals make Debian Sid work and they make it work dam well.
They have incorporated custom scripts, artwork, and software making Sidux special.
I've been a long time lover of Pclos but I'm finding Sidux a better overall distro mainly due to better hardware support and the huge selection of Debian packages.
This distro is prime time and ready to rock and roll.
Why are you reviewing what "common" applications come with it? Review unique homebrew tools, not something I can get in 2000 other distributions.
damentz, what would be the advantage to test for something not included in the "2000 other distributions"?
i suppose, everything not in the debian repository (for example) either does not comply with the open source idea, some licensing stuff or just waaaaay too specific for "normal" users (other explanations are welcome)
sidux, and many other comparable distributions offer a live-cd/hdd-install. the amount of software squeezed on that cd is pretty limited.
these offer a live-cd with an alround basis and/or a basis for hdd-installation... from there on lots of stuff is just one apt-get away.
well i tried sidux, and it was a disaster with wifi, sound not working, and no mp3/video support out of the box is a disgrace for any o/s
that said, what did work was blindingly fast .. so my overall impression was a distro with promise, but that needs a year or so to sort itself out
till then, back to mint
well I tried Mint and it was a disaster. Grub would not install and my wifi would not work. This is the same for all the buntus. Most of the time the installer crashes and this sh*t has been going on forever and it never gets fixed.
For all the buntu legendary hardware support why is it the only distro I cannot install or run my wifi with?
well I tried Sidux lite, and lo and behold, wifi worked. All I had to do was go into KdeControl and enable sound to get sound. All I had to do was add debian multimedia to apt sources and I had everything my little heart desired in no time flat. Lite is awesome. You get to add only what you need without all the extras in the big version. My Sidux flies!
To me, Sidux is Debian Sid for the Dummies. I found the now defunct Libranet and Mepis to "just" work too, but updating an older release was bound to create major or minor troubles.
All the upgrade issues magically disappeared when I started to use Kanotix and the script now known as smxi. It worked so well, I realised I was running Sidux instead of Kanotix only well after I finished the upgrade (or "fork", rather).
To the ones interested in a lasting relationship with a distro instead of a one night stand I can only repeat what has been said:
1. What matters is what makes Sidux unique, not what is the same in all Sid "derivatives":
a. good Knoppix-"derived" hardware recognition (including fully automated post-install and upgrade of nvidia/ati proprietary drivers, too)
b. easy to use installer, including a meta-package installer (the latter still a bit too rigid and too cryptic for an inexperienced user)
c. no-nonsense configuration tools included in the KDE Control Centre, but also available from the command line (siduxcc)
d. SMXI - the safest way to upgrade (and tweak installation) from Sidux and Sid repositories. Reading the home page of and THEN running smxii, will avoid all but the most recent and unexpected glitches in the Sid repositories.
e. not least, friendly, helpful, active forum and chatroom.
For the "rest", it is Debian Sid, which allows itself to countless tweaking and customisations.
Please write anything else!
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Speaker Cable
Optical Fiber Cable
cosmetic packaging
makeup brushes
hair rollers
make up brushes
straightening machine
drawing machine
Bucket Teeth
hair accessories
folding bike
children bikes
mountain bike
SONY NP-FC10 Battery
SONY NP-F330 Battery
SONY NP-F550 Battery
SONY NP-FM50 Battery
SONY NP-FP50 Battery
SONY NP-55 Battery
SONY NP-FM70 Battery
SONY NP-33 Battery
SONY NP-F970 Battery
SONY NP-FP90 Battery
FUJITSU Lifebook C2220 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery
JVC Digital Camera Battery
NIKON Digital Camera Battery
SANYO Digital Camera Battery
SHARP Digital Camera Battery
SONY Digital Camera Battery
PANASONIC Digital Camera Battery
OLYMPUS Digital Camera Battery
IBM Laptop Battery
acer laptop battery
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FUJITSU Laptop Battery
LG Laptop Battery
APPLE M8403 battery
APPLE A1078 Battery 1
APPLE A1079 battery
APPLE A1175 battery
APPLE a1185 battery
APPLE A1189 battery
Acer aspire 5920 battery
Acer btp-arj1 battery
Acer LC.BTP01.013 battery
Acer ASPIRE 1300 battery
Acer ASPIRE 1310 battery
Acer Aspire 1410 battery
Acer ASPIRE 1680 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery
Toshiba PA2487UR battery
Toshiba A100 Battery
Toshiba Satellite A105 battery
Toshiba A70 battery
PA3062U-1BAT battery
Toshiba Satellite P30 battery
Toshiba PA3084U-1BRS battery
Toshiba PA3098U battery
PA3107U-1BAS battery
PA3107U-1BRS battery
PA3166U-1BRS battery
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