Thursday, August 9, 2007

Linux Mint 3.0 Xfce Review

Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java and other components. It is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories. The 3.0 Xfce edition was released on August 7, 2007. Some snapshots for Linux Mint can be found here, but these snapshots are not specific for Xfce.

Test Machine
The test machine that I am using is pretty old and well suited for lightweight distributions like this. It is an AMD Athlon 2600+ XP, 1 Gig RAM, 64 Meg ATI 7200 with 15" LCD capable of 1024x768@75Hz

On the boot screen, user is given three choices. Default one is to open a live session with Linux Mint Xfce. The booting takes a little time as it configures all the hardware. It correctly identified the screen resolution of 1024x768@75Hz. The system seems similar to the gnome version.

The installation is the same seven step installation used by Ubuntu. It asks you about the language, time zone and key board. The worst part is the hard disk partitioning.

The partitioner takes too much time to identify all the partitions. Then whenever user changes something, it requires to rescan the whole partition table again. Why does one need to rescan the whole partition table with every single edit; this could be done at once when the user selects to write the changed partition table to disk. Anyway this rant should not be applicable to Mint as they are using the standard *buntu installer.

Then it provides you with an option to migrate your user settings from any existing operating system. It shows you the final configuration and you can go ahead with the installation. The installation was relatively fast; it took approximately 10 minutes to finish.

Now this is one of the most awful aspect of *buntu family. Three years in making and nobody could ever come up with a good grub menu. Why are users offered an outdated black & white boot loader with no image. Some distributions have advanced to gfxgrub, but if that seems a huge effort then at least provide a nice image for the grub. Again this rant is not something specific to Mint.

A lot of times, I see people referring to Xfce as "tasteless mimicking of Gnome". This is because distributions like Xubuntu and Linux Mint Xfce actually make them believe that. Come on, Xfce has its own identity, there is no difference in desktop context menu and start menu. Distributions like Zenwalk and Vector actually keep the original Xfce feel and look great.

Linux Mint shares the wallpaper and icons across all the versions; Gnome, KDE and Xfce. Other editions of Mint include specialized launchers, and I was expecting something on similar terms for Xfce edition, but there was none.

I feel that the set of applications included is very limited as compared to other Xfce based distributions. User gets standard accessories with catfish, mousepad, thunar and tomboy notes. For graphics you have gimp. For Multimedia you have mplayer, xfmedia, gnormalize, exaile, brasero. Internet applications contain, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, Java 6, Deluge. For office, you have open office.

User gets a lot of configuration options via system settings. Linux Mint XFce edition also has its own control center. XServer-Xorg application really requires an applause, it is a really nice front end for editing xorg.conf and its does its work very well. One key application missing is the one for taking screenshots. I was unable to find any pre-installed screenshot application and thus this review lacks screenshots :(

On the plus point all the Ubuntu repositories are compatible with Mint and thus you can install any application you want from the repositories.

Fortune is installed by default and displays humorous quotes every time you open a terminal. Fortune cookies are great fun, but not many distributions include them by default (the only other distribution which I know is Slackware)

As part of Mint mission statement, it is supposed to provide better out of box experience to the user and it does the same to some extent. I was able to play windows media file, MP3 file and DVDs. Flash was also enabled for web surfing. Only missing point was that my sound card was not configured properly.

Eye Candy
Beryl is installed, which you can easily configure. For me the default driver loaded was ati and not radeon and thus I had initial problems with beryl. Once the driver was changed to radeon beryl worked great. Beryl came up with default red window borders which was inconsistent with the generic green theme.

Linux Mint Xfce requires some polishing, and in doing so it should stop mimicking gnome. It also requires lot more applications out of the box.

Linux Mint is a good distribution but I was really disappointed by the Xfce edition. There are a lot other Xfce based distributions which are far more superior to Mint. I would like to just wait and see Linux Mint Xfce edition getting polished.

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Anonymous said...

what other xfce distros do you recommend? Also, it seems that it has all the basic applications one needs. Xfce editions are typically made to trim fat for older machines, if you want one with more apps, just go with a kde or gnome version. Personally I like that it doesn't have all that other apps installed by default. Most don't get used and just take up room which I don't have to spare on my older hardware, which xfce was created for.

Unknown said...

Dreamlinux is worth a look

Anonymous said...

The best I have seen so far have been Wolvix and Zenwalk.

Anonymous said...

SAM Linux Desktop is a good XFCE distro. Check it at

VectorLinux is also good :

Anonymous said...

I tried Linux Mint 3.0. XFCE live cd in my old laptop Toshiba Tecra 8200 PIII 256 MB RAM and everything works fine.
For wireless it uses wicd, I can set up my connection very easy with WPA encryption.
I wonder why other distro including Ubuntu do not use wicd.

Stefan said...

Dreamlinux 2.2MMXGL, this one does really look nice AND it is based on debian, but the packages are really old and I have some major issues with the 2.6.28 kernel on my ata drives which is solved in 2.6.20+

zenwalk 4.6.1, too bad that they don't have an installable live cd. It looks okay, speed is good but not all one-package-for-one-task choices are my personal preference and i don't know yet if i really like slackware/

wolvix 1.1.0, oh my it is sooo fast. sooo stable i really love it and really want to keep it, BUT it is based on slackware 11 which is rather old and it has xorg6.9 which has major issues over xorg7.2 and i am missing openmotif 2.3 ( which isn't available. the creator Wolven is very friendly and very active in his forums.

SAM, well what to say. is is okay but i really don't like RPM based distros and imho PCLOS is really overrated and this is based on an older PCLOS as well, which is based on mandrive which is not very good i think

mint xfce, it looks quite good, although i believe it is made to look too much like its big brother instead of looking like its own distro, performance is better then the gnome version (probably also because of the lack of the memory heavy mintmenu) but not as light as i hoped.

Anonymous said...

i haven't tried the new zenwalk 4.6.1, but i've tried old version before and it was cool, just the same as dreamlinux MMGL and Mint-XFCE. The different is that in dreamlinux when you're using samba you use LinNeighbourhood not like Zenwalk and Mint-XFCE that using fusesmbtool combine with thunar... that stuff is awesome...
Cool thing about mint-xfce is that it's lighter than the main edition but it's works just as easy and awesome as the main edition...
It has quick and user friendly installer, wonderfull migration-assistant and beautiful eye-candy with full performance...
oh and, i tried all of it in P3-1Ghz Toshiba with 60 GB harddrive & 256 MB RAM...
Good luck everybody...

Anonymous said...

The best XFCE based distro out there is Xubuntu. Let me explain why. First and foremost it is a derivative of ubuntu. Its shares the same code base also the community support is outstanding, with regular release cycles. Also it doesn't go over board with added extras like dreamlinux. Meaning that you are free to customize it quite easily without breaking to far from the mold. I have used it on every older computer I come in contact with and its fast and stable. The clearlooks theme coupled with tango make it very visually appealing. I have toyed with the idea of dreamlinux but it has too much "hack" type of layout and fuctionality for my comforts.

Anonymous said...

This is a screen shot of my Linux Mint XFCE edition:


Anonymous said...

I think the reviewer has missed the point of this edition--the purpose is not to "show off" xcfe, but to be a Mint distro with a less resource-demanding desktop. The fact that it doesn't meet your expectation of what an xcfe distro "should" look like doesn't make it "tasteless"--it's simple and it looks like Mint. The reviewer also doens't mention what he finds missing from the applications that gives him the impression that they are "very limited" compared to other xcfe distibutions. That is, unless a lack of a screenshot app makes the difference between standard and "very limited". I find that the full set of multimedia codecs, java, the automatic partition mounting (including ntfs read/write support), and synaptic are all extremely useful, and makes the job of installing this distro a breeze compared to many others, which require all sorts of extra downloading and configuring.

manmath sahu said...

Try PCLinuxOS xfce distro, else add xfce to your PCLinuxOS from synaptic. You will have better computing than Mint.

Anonymous said...

Eric got the correct answer.
This was suppose to be for the people who like Linux Mint but couldn't run it on there older computer with out a good performance hit.
I wasn't trying to compete with the XFCE specific Distros just add more users to Linux Mint.
There is a screenshot plugin for the panel called screenshot.
I have added the app that Gnome uses to take screenshots to Celena XFCE CE Beta.
I have also added the Network Proxy Preferences that Gnome uses as well.
If you want more info or have ideas for Celena XFCE CE Beta go here

Anonymous said...

"The test machine that I am using is pretty old and well suited for lightweight distributions like this. It is an AMD Athlon 2600+ XP, 1 Gig RAM, 64 Meg ATI 7200 with 15" LCD capable of 1024x768@75Hz".

I'm a sysadmin for a network of eleven public libraries, all under Linux. We are dreaming of "old" machines like yours. Our main database server is a PIII-500 with 256 MB RAM, running a database, a webserver, and SVN server and a streaming audio server!

Clients are PIII-500 also, running Slackware Linux with XFCE. We tried *buntu on these machines, and they all failed miserably. Xubuntu was even more hungry on resources than KDE under Slackware!

Believe me: Ubuntu and derivatives are crap.

KN (Sysadmin)

Anonymous said...

My 1 year old laptop has 2GB of memory and a decent NVIDIA video chip, so I can use all the fancy-pants Compiz effects. It's my testing ground for Linux distros, and I've been through the Top 10 off Distrowatch in the past 6 months. I personally find Linux Mint to be the best of the lot in terms of speed and ease of use. Based on Gutsy Ubuntu, you have access to all the respositories, so I can't understand why reviewers put so much emphasis on which applications are included out of the box. What Mint does is integrate XFCE very nicely into Ubuntu, and everything "just works". And while the reviewer complains that Mint XFCE looks just like Gnome, some people like the Gnome layout but wish to use a 'slimmer' environment.

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cheap electronics said...

what other xfce distros do you recommend? Also, it seems that it has all the basic applications one needs. Xfce editions are typically made to trim fat for older machines, if you want one with more apps, just go with a kde or gnome version. Personally I like that it doe

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