Sunday, November 4, 2007

Zenwalk 4.8 Review

Zenwalk (formerly Minislack), or Zenwalk Linux, is a Slackware-based GNU/Linux distribution with a goal of being slim and fast by using only one application per task and with focus on graphical desktop and multimedia usage. Zenwalk is currently ranked # 15 at Distrowatch.

Zenwalk comes in four different versions: Standard, Core, Live, and Server Editions. I used standard edition for this review. There is no screen capturing application installed by default by Zenwalk; thus the review does not contain any screen-shots from my machine. If you are interested in seeing Zenwalk, look here

Test Machine
Pentium D 3.4 GHz with 2 gig of RAM, Nvidia 7300GS with 256 meg RAM and 19" wide screen monitor.

For this review I chose the Standard Edition, and it does not come with a Live environment.

The installer is ncurses application, similar to Slackware. For some newbies this, seemingly text based installation method, can be intimidating. The installer asks the standard questions, root partition, swap partition etc. and begins installation.

Once installation is complete the user can configure the system. One of the most annoying fact about a Slackware based distribution is failure to load the required network card module. The installer detects the network card, allows the user to specify the network settings, and then on booting, the network functionality is missing. The user has to manually load the network driver module . Now this issue is generic to almost all Slackware derivatives.

So if you are planning to install Zenwalk, or as matter of fact any Slackware derivative, its better to know your network card name and corresponding module required by Linux before hand. A simple googling will help :). On my machines, I have intel network and realtek network cards and the modules are e100 and 8139too, respectively. So for the intel based driver I have to issue "modprobe e100" as root user. Once the module is loaded, the user has to bring up the network card by going through a control center application called ZenPanel.

Zenwalk flaunts the most simple and elegant theme; its nice and cool. Zenwalk has xfce as the default desktop manager. And the xfce is left in its original format, not pushed hard to look like gnome, as done by some other distributions like Xubuntu and Mint.

Zenwalk has a really nice login screen; very well integrated with the splash screen and wallpaper. But with this version (4.8), somehow the themed login screen was not selected by default. I had to manually set in Settings Manager.

Zenwalk has a unique application strategy: one mainstream application for each task. Its nice and can be very helpful for new Linux converts. A lot of confusion is cleared. I used Geany, as a text editor, for the first time and was really impressed.

Almost all the applications are in the latest version. Ice weasel (re-branded Firefox) is Open office is missing from the packages, instead Abiword and Gnumeric Spreadsheets are installed. Although these applications are enough for an average desktop user, but I feel that Open Office would have been a better option. Maybe we can hope to see that in later versions.

With xfce based distributions one serious short-coming is the lack to samba viewer. There is no way to view samba shares on other machines. And the same scenario is there for Zenwalk.

Zenwalk has the complete multimedia support out-of-box. It was able to view/listen all kind to medis formats without any glitch.

Eye Candy
There is no advanced compositing manager installed by default with Zenwalk. A default compositing manager is installed which allows true window transparency.

Kindly load the desired network module during boot: its easy and simple, but can prove to be really annoying to a new user. Also Open Office is much better and complete solution for office related application; kindly consider it for inclusion.

I am just in love with xfce based distributions; they are fast, simple and elegant and Zenwalk is no exception. It has a really good control center and out-of-box multimedia support. Except for few initial hick-ups (network card module) it is really user friendly. I would recommend it to new Linux users.

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Anonymous said...

For samba shares there is FUSEsmbTool that allows you to browse samba shares with thunar file manager....

infwonder said...

I think GIMP has can make screenshots and it's included in zenwalk

Anonymous said...

you could use xwd for print screens

joe f. said...

I'm sure you focused on the default install for a reason, but you missed a couple of Zenwalk's big features (at least compared to Slackware).

First, you didn't mention one of the big differences between Slackware and Zenwalk, which is the Zenwalk package manager, NetPkg. It's gotten quite nice and is now a good package manager. Once you understand the Slackware sets (instead of a big alphabetical listing), it's as easy to use as Synaptic. It does dependency checking, though you still need to know what you want more than with some other package managers (on the plus side, it gives you less crap you don't really need).

One of the things you can do with NetPkg is install other desktop environments or window managers from the Zenwalk repository. I have put on Gnome, KDE, Enlightenment, Openbox and Fluxbox. They are all set up nicely for Zenwalk.

There are other packages available (maybe even OpenOffice; I didn't check), and you can build pretty much any system you want.

Another addition people might like is the ZenPanel, a control panel that gathers a lot of the admin settings in one place. It's a nice place for people to find the tools you need to set up your system. I think that for newbies it would hit the sweet spot between Slackware, which leaves you to find things on your own, and the big distros, which add another layer of cruft on the system that just handcuffs you to their way of doing things.

I've been running Zenwalk on my laptop for quite a while now, because it's easier to get everything working than it is with Slackware. I have a 12.1 inch screen, so I go with Fluxbox to save the space a panel (even XFCE's) takes up. It's a great combination -- fast, simple and rock solid. I have 4.8 on my desktop, too (which is where I have all those other window managers), and it's a very nice system.

Nice to see it get some exposure.

Anonymous said...

Thank you joseph for your detail about Zenwalk~ I tried it before but I couldn't drive my wireless card up, however, Zenwalk is a fast distro that has a very promising furture.

Anonymous said...

If you need, you could get it via netpkg.

Anonymous said...

right-click the xfce panel, choose Add Item. Look down the list, there should be a "Take Screenshot" applet.

Anonymous said...

Like Joseph said, the zenpanel is a important. Also, Zenwalk has some nice games which are not the normal gnome games kind of setup. If fluxbox 1.0 version is available, I will test it with zenwalk.

Zenwalk is especially good for low ram machines or older machines, and its speed is quite good.

Anonymous said...

Hi! You can install OpenOffice with netpkg/xnetpkg by a view clicks ;-) There is also a nice screenshot tool available called zenshot.

PS: I can't understand your problems with your network card. On all my Zenwalk installs the module was loaded without further configuration.

Anonymous said...

true... there is a (very easy) way to have network shares in thunar.
and compared to nautilus, thunar is simply THE file manager.
least, it´s not to bad.

HumanHeartAttack said...

yea for samba you can just use fuse and mount the network. I forget but i did it in about 10 minutes on xubuntu about 6 months ago

manmath sahu said...

Well, I have always been a fan of ZenWalk for its simplicity. But I am sure it lacks some device drivers. It could not detect my x3100 graphics driver. Hope its developers will consider including xorg-server 7.3 + more drivers in next release.

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