Freespire Review
Freespire - a new step towards freedom
Freespire is a comunity version for commercial Linspire. The latest alpha 2U was released on 22nd March, 2007. You can visit freespire site here. Some of extra screenshots are also available here.
Generally I avoid reviewing distributions that as in beta phase. It seems like commenting on half cooked solution, when everyone knows that it is not finished yet. But I would like to make an excetpion in case of Freespire.
Test Machine
So my test machine is a bit old; five years to be precise. It is having AMD Athlon XP 2200+ (overclocked), 1 Gig RAM, 64 Meg ATI 7200 graphics card. It has enough meat for trying out an average desktop distribution.
Freespire CD gives you option to boot in Live CD and install the distribution directly. Oddly the option for live CD is not the default one. The default option is to install the distro. Anyway this is a matter of personal preference.
The booting process is similar to what is seen in ubuntu. The default color scheme is blue and I really liked the kind of blue used by freespire. Freespire correctly identified 1280x1024@75Hz for my 19" monitor, and started KDE.
Once you are on the desktop you will surely notice the marvelous icons bolsted by Freespire. Its just great. On the desktop you see NTFS drives automatically mounted. Gnome partition editor (gnome partition editor is much powerful than Qtparted and its a good decision of include it here). You have icon for CNR (Click and Run) stating 'coming soon'.
On the desktop you see an icon to install freespire link on the desktop. It opens a full screen application. The installation application ask for keyboard layout and installation method. There are two installation methods "Take over an entire hard disk" and "Advanced install".I prefer the latter as I have several operating systems installed on the single hard drive.
In advanced installation method you select root partition and whether you want to write boot loader in Master Boot Record. Then it asks for computer name, User name and administrator password. Actually, its misleading to say administrator password, it is the user password used for sudo. This can lead to some confusions.
With all these steps you are ready to install the operation system. It displays the final configuration screen asking for your confirmation. The installation takes just under 5 minutes. The installer displays time elapsed and approximate time remaining.
AestheticsAs mentioned earlier the blue in blue blend is awesome. The specialized icons are really great. The earlier versions of freespire that I saw were more or less morphing windows; they had menu button renamed as start but now that is gone. The new menu buttons have really good Freespire icons. The default menu bar also looks more like KDE then XP. The automatic login is not configured by default. In my opinion, for a single user desktop , user should have a installation option where s/he can choose to have auto login or not (something I really like about mandriva).
On first login user is prompted for a license agreement. I think lot of people out there who really don't bother about the license agreement, and so I just agreed to it. Then you are given screen to configure different aspects of your system, like sound settings, Time zone, screen resolution, etc. But all settings applets have to switch to administrator mode to change, i.e. you have to enter your password. Otherwise its really great and all the aspects of configuration are covered.
One thing that I did not like is that by default, the fonts are really big, anti-aliasing is not turned on and the font families are mixed a lot. Any ways, these are just configurations and should not be a big problem.
Applications It seems freespire chose to not let off all the XP style configuration. All the applications are still under programs menu. Seeing that it is a single CD installation, the applications select is almost complete.
For development we have Nvu, and a few games are also thrown in. You have a good set for internet applications; Java 6, Flash, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, Ktorrent, Konqueror etc. For multimedia you have Real Player, Lsongs, KMix, K3b. Open office 2.2 is installed as office application.
Multimedia MP3 played well out of the box. Real player 10 is configured as default player applications for audio files. For video files, you have KMPlayer with all the necessary codes installed by default. I did not have any problem watching DVDs and windows media files.
Freespire is an appealing distribution for new comers and once the CNR is fully implemented it will really be one of the easiest distributions to use. I will recommend it to all the newbies and KDE aficionados. For M$ users if you are thinking about the switch and don't want to go through the noisy ubuntu forum Freespire is there for you
Freespire is the red-headed stepchild of the Linspire company, an organization that has taken upon itself to accept that FREE-as-in-FREEdom software they rebundle is infringing upon Microsoft's unrevealed patents, yielding to the threat without cause. They are Quislings. The completely non-proprietary version of Freespire was killed off by the company. The company recently informed the "community" that they had NO effect on the "community-driven" distro whatsoever. Dozens of forum regulars gave two fingers up to the company when their leader announced the Microsoft agreement. This distro is to be shunned, avoided, deprecated and others discouraged from using it. The current CEO, Kevin Carmony was conducting negotiations with Microsoft for over a year when he posted to his own "Linspire Letter" blog in late November last year about how much he distrusted and disavowed Microsoft. If this sort of two-faced attitude is present at the top, the entire company is NOT to be trusted. Avoid, shun, discourage.
i agree with the above post..
this distro HAD the potential but succumbed to sheer baseless threats from microsoft..
leave them and their pals,namely novell (which has opensuse as its supposed to be free version), xandros and linspire (which has freespire as its supposed to be free version)..
supporting freespire is just like supporting linspire..thumbs down to this distro until that deal with microsoft and anything to do with microsoft is void..
I agree with them too.
I don't trust FREEspire either
i agree with the above-
any distro that goes into a patent deal with Microsoft can not have my trust
i hope Ubuntu dose not make that mistake
In my humble opinion Freespire is a nice Distro. Everything works out of the box. Flash, Java, Quicktime, wmv files. Built in firewall.
Running live you just can't beat Freespire for an enjoyable multimedia experience on the web.
I also enjoy DSL, Puppy, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Fedora. (I am not a Linspire only fanboy :P)
When I just want to pop in a live cd and enjoy the internet, I use Freespire.
I realize there are other live cds out there that have all the codecs built in but I live in the U.S. When I tried the other popular full blown distros I felt like I was using warez or something.
I will stick with Linspire/Freespire for all the built in codecs and extras.
Nice review, as for the comments...
Thank Allah we have the annointed Linux-priests to save us puny users from rogue distros like Freespire!!
Let us now resume our mass M$-hate.
Go back to playing with yourselves little boys.
PCM: Nice one, Junior. I was reading the original copyleft published by RMS on USENet using a Wyse50 hooked to a Sun. The principles and ideals that are compromised or betrayed by this sorry-assed excuse for a distro obviously have no value to you so why not head back to the Windows world where you would be more than welcome and can diddle YOURSELF using the mantra of Monkeyboy. Avoid this Quisling distro and discourage anyone from using it
Just use the distribution you like. it is a good thing that freespire has made the transition from windows to linux easier, whereas it works outside the box. it is frustrating for a new linux user to have so many glitches in the transition, that they give up. mepis is also a good option for those windows users that are having a hard time getting used to linux. it pretty much works outside the box also. the goal is to get more people to use linux, and whichever distribution can accomplish the task, kudos.
Gee, look at all the Lindows users showing up. Did KC send you little chillun over before he slunk off into the night? The Lindows guys are good at dispatching astroturf campaigns.
Greetings to all from a recent Linux convert.
I currently run Mepis 6.5 although I've been waiting for Freespire V2 to arrive: the CNR concept seems too good to be true. Whilst sympathetic and supportive of the sentiments re 'deals' with MS, perhaps the overriding thought here is this - If distros such as Freespire entice people to Linux then it adds to the critical mass. There will always be a large mixture of users. Ranging from those who hold a more purist view to those that simply want/need something that works easily. (eg. My 84 y.o. mother). Personally, I can see myself, after gleaning Linux experience, checking out the more traditional distros. I don't think this approach will be unique. The Freespires, Xandros' etc will serve their purpose admirably if they can bring people to Linux, and give them confidence to then move on and sample some of the traditional distros. What impresses me about the Linux community is the diversity. The aforementioned distros may not be considered to be ideal/perfect, but they may make the difference in being able to compete. Keep the faith!
RH and novell are owned by stallman.
And stallman's stoolies are here again to spread FUD and take over the world ( in their heads anyway). Of course, the FUD doesn't distinguish between licensing proprietary codecs and s/w versus shipping the 'rebundled' free s/w.
And of course, RH and FSF keep changing definitions and religion as it suits them. The first to go out the door was GPL ( replaced by LGPL). And then free as in beer AND freedom went out the door, replaced by free as in 'freedom'. All so that RH could repackage free as in beer s/w and take away your beer.
And then of course, their so-called 'freedom' s/w offers how many choices of FS ? Hmm - ext2/3.
And on and on it goes. Bigots do not realize that they are bigots because they (unfortunately) believe too strongly in something to the exclusion of truth and reality.
I like most other windows users out there don't care what OS is on a computer as long as it works and is hassle free.
The amount of effort a person has to put in to get Linux to do everything you take for granted on a windows pc is crazy.
I've used SUSE, Ubuntu, Mandriva and others and always end up going back to windows. Usually its for hardware support, sometimes its software.
It's nice to see Freespire tackling these problems to make Linux more user friendly.
Well, It's amazing to see the war.
Sorry, it sounds a little stupid to me.
I'm no friend of microsoft, never was, never will be. I DO appreciate the goals of free software. But if I hear this bashing, I really feel sad.
In an ideal world, there would only be ODF, no OXML, only OGG Vorbis and OGG Theora, and no MP3, WMV, RM and such. There would be no graphic card manufacturer wanting to have his driver closed, and no microsoft market abuse.
But hey, we're not there. We can't change the world by forcing others to change, but by doing it right and let the world evolve. Evolution is the better path than Revoluton
And in the perfect world, bashers like you would just be quiet, grin and think of the far superior principles, ideals and so on and MAYBE saying in a nice tone that there could be better ways.
I feel sad when I read so much ignorance. Yes, I like freedom, and I'd like all formats be free standards. But I also like the freedom to choose freespire, because it offers me some advantages. I hate the deal they made, but they are also free - free to make their own decisions.
I agree with a post a bit before that it might help spread linux to have freespire.
Know what? I will install freespire. Even though I have a long ponytail, am not always well-shaved and really a geek in my own way. Why I will try it? it makes me spend my time more doing what I want to do and less configuring to make my box do what I want to do.
A bit more pragmatic approach, and a bit better behaviour wouldn't hurt the image linux has to outsiders (which I'm not).
OK flame on, my words aren't heard anyway *sadly shaking my had*
I think it's great that Freespire is giving us the option to have legal, proprietary codecs available out of the box. I actually considered it at one point, partly because of that! Like that one guy said, I didn't like the whole "warez" feeling that downloading codecs on the other distros had.
I don't use Freespire, though. An analysis of their patent deal with Microsoft (as posted on Groklaw) has me worried, not because "Anything to do with Microsoft is evil," but because it seriously looks like Linspire sold out their customers. And maybe opened them up to lawsuits.
Beyond that it's more of a gut feeling. Flame me all you want, but I just don't get the sense that the people in charge of Linspire have my best interests in mind. I've read through their blog, the Linspire Letter, and it feels more like marketingspeak than real communication. Plus their CEO just recently resigned. Something is up, and I have no clue what it is, but I'm not sure I should trust what they're saying.
I'm planning to install Ubuntu soon. Their (optional) codecs might be warez, but their distro's professional, and their community's great. ^.^
And if it WEREN'T for all us "bomb-throwing, non-pragmatic, religious fanatic, RMS stooges," there wouldn't BE an OS that Lindows, Xandros, and Novell could sell out to their own advantage. Bringing hundreds of thousands of ex-Windows-whiners (Why doesn't it do it THIS way? Windows does) is not the aim. Liberation of software and software users is the aim. Four freedoms so you can run, copy, give away as you will. Not be greeted by an EULA that tells you ONE MACHINE and you are lucky we let you do that and don't you even THINK about sharing this (even though WE got damned near all of it from the work of others.) Feh. You are so enamored of Windows, then fine, treasure and embrace it, but keep your corrupted hands off the OS I use.
I an not a Linux newbie, having started with Red Hat 5, back in the late 1990's. Back then I had time to tweak things to make them work, however, since that time my thoughts on computers and OS's have changed.
I have a life. I have work to do. So I need my computer to work correctly as quickly as possible, so I can get on to actually using my computer.
"My computer exists to enable my productivity. I don't exist to make my computer work."
I am glad that distros exist that allow for other features and options out of the box. To me that is what freedom is all about.
Further I travel quite a bit, and feel much more comfortable going somewhere with legal software installed. Not all countries have lax attitudes about quasi-legal software.
On a trip to Germany not too long ago, I was forced to remove Castle Wolfenstein from my computer and send my game disc home, because Nazi symbols and logos are illegal there.
I am not so thrilled with companies that give in to what is basically M$ extortion.
I will try this distro to see if it works for me.
Good for these guys! Obviously, the "use only free software because I say so" group doesn't like it, but it is a good distro for a new users that wants their computer to just work. Keep up the excellent effort. --dB
**User of Debian, Ubuntu, Mepis, Fedora, OpenSuSE**
fanboy, stallman has nothing to do with linux - the kernel or the distros ( unless you are referring to the distro that rhymes with nuisance which hardly anyone uses). He has nothing to do with Unix, He merely copied binutils ( a collection of command line utils written in C) and made it OSS because few people wanted them. Until Torvalds came along.
OSS has been around for a long time. It originated from all over the world in Univs.
Without Linus, no one would have heard of redhat. Without redhat, few people outside of MIT would be aware of stallman. Where was redhat before the linux kernel ? Why didn't they use hurd ? Or whatever ?
I am a long time Unix user and linux user since over 5 years. I am not a m$ fanboy but I live in the real world. I sure as hell am not going to turn into a different kind of fan boy. RH is doing as much damage to software as m$ did. They single-handedly PREVENTED large scale linux adoption, IMO.
Innovations and hard work should be rewarded …this includes respecting patents and copywrites. I don’t see anything wrong in Linspire choosing to respect M$ copywrites. Same way M$ should respect other users patents. Every other industry from Music to Pharmaceuticals to Automobiles etc. respect intellectual copywrites. Why should software be any different? GPL software can also be copywrited.
As for Linspire I use it and it worked flawlessly. I will be upgrading to 6.0 when it comes out. Yes, I believe in paying for a service or product! I use Ubuntu CE on my spare computer and I donate to their foundation and purchase fundraising merchandise from them.
I think that this distribution has some merits and shouldn't be bashed just on "moral" principles. Altrough I don't live in a country that recognise software patents, I can understand that users in some countries may want a fully legal solution in their country, even if it means using some proprietary software. The important thing here is to give average users choice, and to give them something fully legal that works right out of the box, with as little learning curve as possible, and on that basis I think an initiative like freespire has some merits, even if it's only as a stepping stone to another distro. Would it be better to use all OSS software? Of course, but this is not realistic for a lot of peoples, and these shouldn't be left in the cold.
Microsoft haters aside, Freespire is the only distro that I have tried that can let me use my wireless linksys card for my dell laptop.
Believe me, I have tried, I have done crazy amounts of work to make it work in Ubuntu, and finally gave up.
I am thankful for Freespire's philosophy that functionality is more paramount than the religion of open-source.
I think that open source an proprietary programs can work together in order to make better and accessible the software. Free software, don't mean "gratis". Some company like novell can sell his products, because they offer support, and other things. If you are a new linux user, maybe that is good. If you have experience you can use other distributions, we are free to choose. I believe in open-source, and , because i am a programmer, i believe in commercial software too, but accessible, .
No WPA support out of the box? CNR 'Coming soon'? This is not ready for prime time. PCLinuxOS is better.
I've read through the posts and all this "nonsense" about software patents and MS bullying other companies in the US has really made me furious! One should just look at the history of MS and see how many ideas they've basically "stolen" from other companies and now they claim to be their own! I wish MS had been broken up a long time ago, but the little "hand slap" they got from the Dept. of Justice let them off the hook and really biased the whole market against Open Source. It seems that the DOJ will always rule in favor of powerful corporations.
I think the US laws regarding MP3 and DVD playback in the US are insane and I'm an expat living in Europe. Europe and the rest of the world (outside of the US), have a much more sane approach towards software patents and so-called proprietary software. I'm not advocating piracy but just think there's a more reasonable approach than the one which prevails in the US.
Having said that, does anyone here know of someone that was "busted" for having so-called "illegal" codecs in the US??? If so, how were they found out--were their laptops searched at an airport, or their businesses or schools raided???
I think there's a tremendous amount of FUD out there--mainly created by the likes of MS and SCO that must be fought. This prevents schools and businesses from using Linux--MS has been far too successful in this sense. MS claims that Linux violates some 238 of its patents is pure BS--Linux is based on Unix and Unix has been around a lot longer than MS. Maybe, Unix and Linux should investigate how many patent MS violates!
I know it's far from an ideal world but the US is supposedly the land of "freedom and liberty" but has some of the most restrictive and idiotic laws regarding software (just to mention one example!) lol!
Well, that's just my two cents worth! What do the rest of you think?
@ alan
Point in case. Windows uses the BSD networking base, and violate the BSD license in doing so...why don't we just have M$ remove their networking base, and watch how fast they go under.
What I'd like to know is, does Freespire still take 10 minutes to boot like version 1.0 did? Boot time was supposed to fixed in the next version (i.e. 2.0).
Microsoft! I hate the word. I have been using PCLOS for about 9 months now. My 'Windows drive' has been on the shelf collecting dust. I have a stack of Live CD's from Distro Watch and have tried them all. I came across Freespire through Distro Watch. I tried it and found that I can set up my desktop the way I want it. Plus run everything I need straight out of the box. I have more programs to chose from with Debian than with PCLOS. I have put my PCLOS drive on the shelf with Windows, just in case.
I am a simple user and have a couple of web pages. I'm not a coderor a developer, and I don't use the command line much.
So Linspire can do whatever they do, but as long as Freespire runs like it does now and does not start getting the 'Windows' feel or the 'Windows' charge/money and the viruses, I will continue to use it, and tell others about it.
Thank God we still have the freedom to choose our OS's and say what we feel about them.
Will it go to Windows? Don't know,don't care, as long as there is Distro Watch!
No WPA support out of the box? CNR 'Coming soon'? This is not ready for prime time. PCLinuxOS is better.
ah huh yeah sure junior,,,,you mean the distro that says this on the download page ?
" DISCLAIMER: This is experimental software. Use at your own risk. PCLinuxOS/Texstar cannot be held liable under any circumstances for damage to hardware or software, lost data, or other direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this software "
you mean that one ?
I think CNR will revolutionze linux software installs making it better than even where you have to save to disk , double click and go through the hastle of installing where you you can make comments on things like you can for example at etcetera..its all good imo plus they make enabling nvidia one of the easiest there is period not to mention most things working OUT OF THE BOX and all legally thanks to their concsciencous decision to play nice with M$ where all others are cowards and thieves...sure it would be NICE if ogg was used everywhere for audio/video but that AINT reality.welcome to it fanboys ...get a clue ;)
Unlike all the other DISTROS out there imo free/linspire are a nice integrated whole not made of pieces of things. CNR is way more integrated on every level than synaptic is..paaaaaaaaalease ;)
PCM: Nice one, Junior. I was reading the original copyleft published by RMS on USENet using a Wyse50 hooked to a Sun. The principles and ideals that are compromised or betrayed by this sorry-assed excuse for a distro obviously have no value to you so why not head back to the Windows world where you would be more than welcome and can diddle YOURSELF using the mantra of Monkeyboy. Avoid this Quisling distro and discourage anyone from using it
All the idiots in this thread slagging people off because they want an easy transition from Windows to Linux - yes thats right, they are trying to get away from Microsoft in the least pain free way possible - i.e. they don't want to have to dump all their legacy MS media, ease of use, etc - are just annnoying. Why anyone would listen to such dirge is beyond me.
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It may be a little late in the game to post this since the last response was almost 2 years ago but I feel a need to bitch. Ive been collecting live CDs for well over 5 years now and used Linux twice that long.My first flavor was Corel Linux which became my 3rd distro, Xandros. (Redhat 7.3 was 2nd) Fast forward a few years to my Freespire experience which I really liked. Next thing you know... POOF! It's gone too. Fast forward again to a year or so ago. For nastalgic reasons I began googling info and old post about various distro including FreeSpire/LinSpire/Lindows/Corel/Xandros, and lo and behold, I find this tasty little morsel! It is about enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up! Seriously, this is about as fucked up as anything I ever read. Corporate greed is one thing. But tramping on the peons who made him wealthy is quite another. If only half of this is true, this dude needs a fucking haymaker.... I had better stop before saying something I may regret later... Here's the link:
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