Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Arch 2007.08-2 Review

A lean machine
Arch Linux is a Linux distribution inspired by CRUX and intended to be lightweight and simple for advanced users. According to the project website; "Arch Linux is a workhorse distribution designed to fit the needs of the competent Linux user. We strive to make it both powerful and easy to manage, making it an ideal distribution for servers and workstations. Take it in any direction you like" .It is currently ranked #17 at distrowatch

Test Machine
AMD Athlon 64 3800+ with 2 gig of RAM, Nvidia 6600GS with 256 meg RAM and 19" wide screen monitor.

Arch Linux, on its own, does not provide a live environment. However, for the interested, FaunOS is an Arch derivative and provides live environment. So users can check out FaunOS as well. Also Archie also provides a live environment.

Arch comes in two flavors, CORE & FTP. Both ISOs are minimalistic and won't result in a working desktop environment. I chose core ISO for this review. Again instead of wasting another CD, I extracted out vmlinux and initrd files from isolinux directory in the ISO, and used them for starting the installation. A detailed procedure is provided in my earlier post.

Arch Linux has two main repositories "core" & "extras". The core repository contains minimalistic software, enough to provide a working command-line-interface. Rest of the packages(i.e. gnome, kde, xfce, xorg, e17) are contained in "extra". For the core installation the user has two option s, either to use the directory available in the ISO or copy the latest packages from any of the mirrors. The repository contains more and recent packages . I chose to copy the latest package from core repository. Copy all the core packages on to some spare hard disk partition before starting the installation

Once the user boots into the install system, there are five different terminals available and BASH can be started by hitting . First, for non-CD install mechanism I used, user has to mount the partition containing the core packages to /src/core/pkg. The installer can be invoked by issuing /arch/setup command.

The installer allows to create and specify partitions. I would like to mention that Arch loads pata modules before sata modules, and thus if you have two hard drives, first an IDE and second a SATA, then IDE drive will be named sda and SATA drive will be named sdb. User can change the module loading order in the final system configuration.

The installer then asks to select the packages for installation. Now its safe to select all the packages. I remember, in version 0.7, if the user selected all the packages for installation, the installation failed. After package selection, package installation comes into play. And it was really fast. The core system installed on my machine in less then 5 minutes.

After installation, system configuration comes into picture. I love the fact that almost all of the system configuration are concentrated in /etc/rc.conf. Spare some time and browse all the configuration files. Arch uses a BSD-style init framework.

Once the core installation is finished, user can reboot into fully functional command-line-interface. Now at this, point users have two options for "extra" installation. If the user can bring up network connection in the command-line-interface, network installation works fine. If, however, the computer is not having a functional network connection, user can download the "extra" repository from any of the mirrors and can copy the contents in "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" directory. Also "extra.db.tar.gz" file needs to be extracted to "/var/lib/pacman/extra" directory.

Once onto the newly installed system, user can customize the installation with "extra" repository.
"pacman -S kde" will install all the required packages to bring up KDE; similarly gnome, xfce can also be installed.In the last release, packages for keyboard and mouse were not installed automatically by the above command; but that is gone now

To boot into the new desktop environment, user needs to do these changes: change /etc/inittab to runlevel id:5, set login manager as kdm/gdm/slim, add hal and dbus to list of daemons (started at boot) in /etc/rc.conf, and execute xorgcfg to generate xorg.conf.

Being a KDE fan, I installed KDE first and then later tried to see xfce as well. I installed xfce4 by issuing pacman -S xfce4, but was never able to get to the xfce desktop environment. It just hung for me.

Being a workstation and server targeted distribution, not much has been done in the aesthetics department, except a custom wallpaper. But even the base KDE looks really nice. For GTK application to look nice under KDE, users have to install the gtk-qt-theme.

The core install only provides basic installation and whatever application the user wants, s/he has to get it from the extra repository. The extra repository is approximately 4 GB and provides almost all the applications in there latest version.

With the packages from extra repository, I was able to play all kinds of media.

Eye Candy
Compiz-fusion is not present in the extra repository as of now. So user has to enable other repositories for the eye-candy.

Arch Linux should also think about a single DVD install flavor. Just pack core and extra onto a single CD, for workstation users. This will save the individual downloading of packages from the repository, and will make arch installer easier for system without internet connection. Also, please take some time and clean up the wiki.

Acrh Linux is lean, wicked and it allows all types to possibilities. It allows the user to custom tailor the distribution as per his/her taste. It has a great package manager. A package manager that is being used by lot of other distributions like frugalware, archie and faun. But I am unable the gauze the advantages pacman provides over apt-get.

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ZenLord said...

Nice to see another review of my distro of choice. However, it lacks (as do almost all Arch Linux reviews) in many ways.

I am a relatively new linux-user and was able to get xfce4 working perfectly. Without any kind of reason why it didn't work for you, your comment isn't worth much.

Next point of critique: only the core and extra repo is being 'rated', while probably most software is to be found in 'community' and AUR. AUR being one of the more distinct features of Arch Linux, but I guess you would only see that after a thorough use of the distro.

Another one (I'm on a role here): Why the picking on the wiki? It allowed me (again, I'm practically a newbie) to get everything to work on several systems and in different configurations (hard- and software).

And why don't you describe the obvious pro's of Arch Linux? It allows control of the user beyond any other binary-distro I've tested and it is very fast, bleeding edge and still very stable.

Whether pacman or apt-get is the better choice is not something I'm able to comment on, but pacman has never failed me, as has apt-get. I've had failures in yum and slapt-get, so clearly I would rate both pacman and apt-get higher than yum and slapt-get (although my experience with the latter two is very limited).

If you really want to write a good review of a distro, then you really should desribe more than the install-routine. I hope that you'll use Arch for at least a week and than update your review.

HeavensRevenge said...

TOLD !!!! :D :D

My Main xtreme dual-boot desktop distros are Arch and sidux

You should listen to this zenlord guy, he seems to know what hesa talkin about. ;)

Enjoy Arch

Anonymous said...

Yes, I also disagree that this distro is only for advanced users, maybe someone advanced expert should install it and set it up, but than the use is as easy as anything else, and funnier.


Anonymous said...

I was able to install xfce as well, but at the very beginning I wasn't able to run the free ati-driver. Later on I realized, that there is a package, which must be installed. Arch is the first distro, which didn't install the free graphics drivers by default. It took some time, until the Swiss-German keyboard was configured properly. One has to edit the rc.conf for this purpose. Any daemon one wants to run, must be defined in rc.conf as well (e.g. cups).

However I was very impressed by the wiki. Every problem I encounterd was treated in the wiki. Bytecode is enabled by default: this makes possible very crisp fonts (especially in combination with true-type fonts).

The fellows of the forum are very helpful, there is even a newbie-section. I think, after getting used to the configuration details, Arch is great. Compared to zenwalk, Arch is not slower, but it is very easy to install additional software. However Arch is much faster than SAM and faster than Xubuntu. The package manager is very fast, even compared to apt-get.

Renan Birck said...

Arch Linux should also think about a single DVD install flavor. Just pack core and extra onto a single CD, for workstation users. This will save the individual downloading of packages from the repository, and will make arch installer easier for system without internet connection.

The DVD would quickly become obsolete, however. You would end up wasting time and bandwidth by having to upgrade all again.

Unknown said...

I just thought I would add a little note about my fav distro as well. First of all, the review had KDE installed. It should be noted that KDEMod is the KDE install of choice as it's modified specifically for Arch. I have it running on my laptop and runs in two flavors, full and light where the 'light' version doesn't include a lot of features like HAL which speeds start up and boosts performance incredibly.

Unknown said...

Installing Yaourt makes Arch even better!

Anonymous said...

I was one of the guys who helped reorganize the wiki in late 2006. Admittedly it may require some searching if you come from another wiki (like Gentoo wiki) where the organization of items is a little different. But we tried to make it as clear as possible.

Could you please tell us what annoys you about the wiki, and maybe we can see if that can be fixed. You can also post on the BBS and ask for fixes.

Anonymous said...

Really nice post.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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