Shift Linux 0.6 Review
Another uninspiring Ubuntu is a technology news website that actively focuses on critising Windows Vista, and supporting Mac and Linux. Neowin runs under the slogan, "Where amateurish journalism looks better.". Shift Linux is a project that was created by the Neowin community. Neowin's Shift Linux is designed to give the user an experience of being part of the Neowin community and to have a simple, easy-to-use live CD that can be installed to a hard drive.
According to the project website: "Shift Linux is based on Debian and Morphix, therefore it has access to all of the software and applications as other Debian distributions.". And this is definitely not true, as Shift is clearly an Ubuntu derivative.
Shift Linux comes on three flavors; fluxbox, gnome and KDE. I used gnome edition for this review. Shift Linux is currently ranked # 58 at distrowatch
Test Machine
AMD Athlon 64 3200+, with 2 gig of RAM, Nvidia 5300GS with 256 meg RAM and 19" wide screen monitor.Booting
The booting was extremely similar to Ubuntu 7.10, discussed in one of my previous posts.
The first thing that I noticed about Shift Linux was eye-straining theme. I was reminded of energy saving efforts by Blacke Google; but even Blacke was not much irritating to eye as Shift Linux was.
The installation is again similar to Ubuntu 7.10 discussed in my previous post
I have to say the look and feel was just horrible. I am sure that if I have this theme on my desktop; I will have more frequent visits to my Ophthalmologist. My eyes felt the pressure even after a small exposure, that I had for this review.
Secondly, the theme is greatly disconnected. The initial splash screen has the original Ubuntu light brown screen. And I was never able to see the grub splash screen because of irrelevant errors at boot time.Application
Applications are the same as Ubuntu 7.10.No custom application. There was one notable exception though; Firefox 3 alpha 8. This exception made me think "Who, in his able senses, includes an alpha software in its release?". First answer was definitely M$, but second was Shift...
Out of box multimedia support is missing from the default installation.
Eye Candy
Downgraded Compiz is present to provide basic eye-candy.
One does not require a howitzer to kill ants/bees/rabbits/dogs. When one wants to "give the user an experience of being part of the Neowin community" what one needs is a theme not a Linux derivative.Conclusion
I did not seen any reasoning or logic for creating Shift Linux. What the project website describes as need is the need for gnome/KDE/fluxbox theme, not an Ubuntu derivative. I tried really hard to find at least some other difference but failed. Shift Linux just provides an additional theme, and as a matter of fact, an ugly theme.
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broader market tumbled yesterday, had to. We have analyzed, in the concentration of the disclosure of annual reports and quarterly period of excellent performance of listed companies dropped to make market lacks reason for the policy to immediately raise interest rates or raising the deposit reserve is unlikely that tape is expected to be near 3,000 access to support,coach discount abercrombie and fitch, short-term technology to build a small head and shoulders pattern at the end of the completion of rest, afternoon to continue upward shocks. While the broader market's trend has not exceeded our expectations, although the broader market have cropped up again after the opening bell, but did not even touched an intraday low of 3,000 points mark, indicating lack of active sell into kinetic energy, with banking stocks brand new start, against the big heavy volume rebound, recovering Yesterday lost ground. As banks face a larger plate or the short-term profit-taking pressure to maintain a high level after the broader market pulled the pattern of strong shocks, cheap ed hardy wholesalethe final SSE Composite Index closed out the heavy volume in Yang Xian, banking stocks attract a lot of money, resulting in significantly Su Liang, Shenzhen,chanel handbags, rebound margin somewhat more fragile.
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Paul by discount paulsmithSmall Violet bag made from blue grained leather with brushed steel hardware, carry handles and studded protective base. This structured handbag has two buckle straps, subtle light blue stitching detailing and a Paul X logo on the front. Internally it is lined in black swirl jacquard fabric with three pockets; one which is zip fastened with a blue leather trim. Paul X collection yellow label is appliqué internally.
Woman shirts--cheap paulsmith Black fitted inverted pleat bib front, stretch cotton blouse with single cuffs.
This blouse features a stitched down flat collar and a deep curved hem, the cuffs of the blouse have an inverted pleat which features contrast green and yellow buttons.
The shirt is finished with white buttons within the concealed placket and a Black Label signature bow is applied to the left side seam.
Woven 198% cotton 4% elastane
40°C machine wash, do not bleach, do not tumble dry, 2 dot- warm iron
Man shirts-- paulsmith 2010 London classic fit formal shirt with a semi spread and curved collar and single cuffs. This shirt is made from blue fabric with green and white thin stripes.
paulsmith outletswirl printed soft grained leather long purse. Internally the wallet is finished with smooth beige leather and cream swirl jacquard fabric.
There is space for 8 credit cards, the main body of the purse has two large expanding pockets, a zip coin pocket and 1 smaller pocket. There is also a pocket directly behind the press
snap clasp opening and a further back external pocket
The purse is finished with white topstitching, gold hardware and a leather trim on the zipper
Each wallet has an individual swirl print due to the cutting process.paulsmith
Size L 19.5 x H 11 x W 2.5cm
100% calf leather
Black smooth leather wallet with a naked lady print on the interior – inspired by old cigarette cards.
* Made from smooth leather and topstitched in white with purple binding threads.
* Embossed Paul Smith signature logo on the front.
* Holds up to six cards, and on either side there is a large slot pocket underneath.
* Large compartments for notes are lined in classic multi stripe.
Size 11 x 7.5cm
100% calf leather
Women’s Purse
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